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vBulletin 5.3.3 Beta is now available.

EL PaperBoy

Well-known member
vBulletin 5.3.3 Beta is now available to all licensed customers. This is a pre-release or testing version of the software. We encourage you to install this software on your Test Servers. Pre-release versions of the software are not recommended for Production Servers.

New Modules

Trending Topics Module

We've added a new module that shows trending topics. Trending topics are the topics receiving activity on your site. These topics have replies created over the last 96 hours (configurable) and are at least 4 hours old (configurable). Based on vBulletin 5's standard search module, this module can provide an easy way to provide your users with a look at your active content and encourage participation.

Friend's Activity Module

Another new module is the friend's activity module. Showing people what their friends are up to will encourage participation on the site. This is a great module to add to a custom page or to replace the Latest Topics module.

Share to Social Networks

In vBulletin 5.3.3, users can easily share content to Facebook and Twitter. Each Article, Topic, Blog Entry and Group Discussion can be shared to Facebook and Twitter through a simple click or tap while being viewed. This will allow your end users to share your content and encourage others to visit. Want to share to other social networks? The system is easily expandable to include more options using the vBulletin 5 Template Hook system.

Push Notification Enhancements

We have enhanced the Push Notification API to handle subscriptions, topic replies and reported posts. These will be added to an upcoming version of the Mobile Suite.

Other Issues

  • Member's List has been updated to work better with Responsive
  • The default filter of a module can be set to events now.
  • Menus now behave properly on iOS.
  • Edited posts are now properly checked against anti-spam tools.
  • Site Builder should work on Touch Enabled Devices such as Tablets.
  • Error Handling has been improved in several areas of the application.

System Requirements

Minimum PHP Version: 5.6.0

Minimum MySQL Version: 5.5.0

Recommended PHP Version: 7.1 or higher

Recommended MySQL Version: 5.7.0 or higher

Recommended MariaDB Version: 10+

Current Version Support Schedule:

  • Active Version - 5.3.2
  • Security Patch - 5.3.1
  • Security Patch - 5.3.0
  • No Patch Release - 5.2.6 or earlier.


If you have any questions about these changes you may discuss them here: https://www.vbulletin.com/forum/node/4375980

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